Reliance Aug 22nd 1903

oil on canvas 21x42inches


Reliance race 1 Aug 22nd 1903 AVAILABLE

Reliance race 1 Aug 22nd 1903

Oil on canvas 21x42inches

 The painting depicts Reliance on Aug 22nd in the first race of the 1903 Americas Cup. Sailed off Sandy Hook with a clear sky and a 12 knot breeze Reliance is shown with her rail down in the freshening breeze approaching the windward mark with Shamrock iii giving chase. Sir Thomas Liptons steam yacht Erin with his guests is seen off Reliance’s bow whilst various other steam yachts follow in Shamrock iii wake. Reliance would round the windward mark with a 3 min 17 sec lead and go on to win by over 7 min over a 30-mile course to windward and return off Sandy Hook.