Shamrock iii Aug 22nd 1903

oil on canvas 21x42inches


Reliance race 1 Aug 22nd 1903 AVAILABLE

Shamrock iii Aug 25th 1903

Oil on canvas 21x42inches

 The painting depicts Shamrock iii during the second race of the 1903 Americas Cup. With Clouds of spray flying from her bow and streaming a foaming wake astern Capt Bob Wringe is shown straining at the helm of Shamrock. Wringe draws every inch of speed from his charge as he valiantly gives chase to Reliance during the first leg of the race. Shamrocks well trained crew lie flat along the windward rail while others stand by at their stations ready to trim sails as required. This race was remarkable for the performance of her crew as they battled desperately to stay in touch with Reliance around the 30 mile course. Sir Thomas Lipton watches closely from his steam yacht Erin. Reliance masterfully handled by Charlie Barr maintained his leading position and crossed the victor with a lead of over 4 min.

Having already won the first contest Reliance went on to win the third and final race and successfully defend the Cup on the 3rd of September.